+1.855.MYMAXUM | Call today for more information

Do you or someone you know wear hearing aids but still have difficulty understanding others?
MAXUM may be the perfect choice.

The MAXUM is an Implant

MAXUM is a revolutionary technology that provides significant benefits over hearing aids by providing more clarity while reducing feedback and occlusion. The MAXUM System is a hearing implant which includes a small magnetic titanium device and an advanced sound processor.  The implant is placed in the middle ear with a simple, minimally invasive procedure and the sound processor is discreetly worn in the ear canal.  The advanced sound processor uses electromagnetic energy to vibrate the implant which directly stimulates the inner ear or cochlea.   This direct cochlear stimulation provides cleaner, crisper sound quality and more amplification without feedback.  This allows for improved audibility and speech understanding.

Learn About MAXUM

Experience the Difference

Whether it is hearing the birds singing in the morning, the laughter of children or friends in a restaurant, exploring the possibilities to improve your hearing is taking a step in the right direction. Click here to view video testimonials from MAXUM patients.

With my hearing aids I learned not to hug my family and friends because of embarrassing feedback and squeal when they got close. Now I’m free to hug my family again.
Mindy, MAXUM User
My friends can’t believe I can understand them in a restaurant. I’ve never been able to do that…at least not for years.
Frank, MAXUM User
I had to retire early as a high school administrator. Even with hearing aids, I couldn’t understand the students, especially the girls. If I had the MAXUM a few years ago, I probably wouldn’t have had to retire when I did.
Don, MAXUM User
I do a lot of telephone talking and so I got a lot of distortion and static with my hearing aids. The MAXUM System has changed my life.
Paige, MAXUM User
*Results may vary

MAXUM Provides Benefits Over Hearing Aids

Issues with Hearing Aids

The Benefits of MAXUM

Reduce Feedback

Feedback occurs when the sound from a hearing aid speaker leaks back to the microphone.  The MAXUM has NO speaker, so feedback is reduced or eliminated.

Minimize Occlusion

Occlusion, or closing off the ear canal, results in the user’s voice sounding hollow. The MAXUM is “open fit” allowing one’s voice to sound more natural.

Improve Sound Quality

The MAXUM System utilizes an electromagnetic coil to “amplify” sounds providing cleaner, crisper sound quality and more amplification.

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The only minimally invasive hearing implant.

The MAXUM implantation is an outpatient procedure that can be performed in a standard office procedure room under a local anesthetic.

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Contact us today to see if you are a candidate for the MAXUM!

+1.855.MYMAXUM (696-2986)


Improving your hearing is an exciting, life-changing decision.
Are you ready to take the next step?

Caution: Federal (US) law restricts this device to sale be or on the order of a physician.
For indications for use, contraindications, warnings and precautions consult additional safety information.